Category: Food Innovation

Biotechnology in Agrifood: How Biotechnology is Transforming Food Security and Sustainability

From enhancing crop resilience to creating novel foods, biotechnology innovations are transforming food security and...

From Hospital Bed to Business Plan: How Turkey Berries Transformed a Young Agripreneur’s Life

In 2016, Millicent Agidibo-Adoboe was diagnosed with anaemia and admitted to the hospital for about three weeks. Her...

Exploring the Potential of Insect Farming in Sustainable Agriculture

Insect farming has quickly gained traction in Africa. This has particularly been the case amongst the youth, as a...

From Farm to Table: How Greenhouse Innovations are Changing the Game

Africa’s food consumption is estimated at US $192 billion according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the...

GoGettaz finalist Best Food Solution who took advantage of strained diplomatic relations to start his agribusiness

Did you know the amount of food lost annually in Africa due to post harvest loss is enough to feed the total number of...

Meet GoGettaz finalist Mochesane Mpali, a pioneer of hydroponic farming in Lesotho

By 2050, the global population is expected to rise to 10 billion and half of this population will be from the African...